Wednesday, September 3, 2014

X E's Hanging Garden

Earlier the school announced class ten and twelve students to work on a project within the school for SUPW grades. My class, X E, has chosen to build what they call 'The hanging garden'. Unlike the Hanging Gardens of Babylon where plants were not hung but grown on concrete structures, X E students really want to hang their garden.

Enthusiastic about their project, they started planning on the site and the paraphernalia. They decided the small area just below the parking lot in front of the school gate as its site. They agreed to collect some money to buy the materials required. I discouraged them from collecting money but they insisted that for SUPW grades they would do anything. They ordered a cuboid metal frame 15x7x10ft from the bordering town of new Chamarchi. However, owing to its big size reaching it to the school was a problem. It didn't fit even in the DCM truck I arranged for them. Therefore, they decided to carry it from checkpoint to the school.

From the border gate to school gate
Placing the metal frame at the site 
Painting it to prevent from rusting
Smudged with paint 
It's been few weeks since they started to work and thus far everything has worked out well. When everybody would go home they would stay back and work on it. While some would be engaged in scrubbing off rust from the metal frame others would be engaged in leveling the ground where the frame will be fixed. More recently they have painted the frame to prevent from rusting and they are now waiting for it to dry. In the mean while they are planning on the type of flowers to be hung.

Over the past few weeks, as they worked on it, I have observed them working with the qualities we expect of students. The project has brought them to work closely as a team. It shows how common goals can bring people together.


Unknown said...

I remember once cleaning safety tank to hike my SUPW. Students usually don't clean safety tank so teachers decided to give better grades for doing it. Thus, I and few friends did and got Grade 'A' at the end. Your X-E are doing great. Good idea. Going to add to the beauty of school. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Hats off to u Tshewang sir..
miss u SHSS a big time :(

Tshewang Rabgay said...

Thank you Tendel. How have you been? And thank you for visiting my blog. Keep visiting. Regards.

sancha rai said...

Nice initiative done by ten ccc and class teacher (Tshewang sir)...and I guess that hanging garden may remain behind even in everyone's absence la...thanks and keep on posting la

Tshewang Rabgay said...

Thank you Sancha for visiting my blog

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